I am trying to register but I have a hold on my account. What does that mean and who can remove it?
Degree-seeking students must meet with their Academic Advisor prior to being able to register for the fall and spring terms. When you meet with your advisor, he/she will talk with you about your proposed schedule, answer any questions you may have and at the end of the meeting provide an electronic clearance that will then allow you to register at a specific time based on the number of credits you have earned.
For all other financial or administrative holds, please follow the instructions in your myUMBC alerts to resolve the issue.
When will the Schedule of Classes be available?
The Schedule of Classes will be available approximately one month prior to Advanced Registration. You may visit the Registrar’s Office website for the most recent Schedule of Classes, or navigate through under the topic Classes & Grades.
I need more credits to get my financial aid but the deadline to add classes has passed, what can I do?
To learn more about your financial aid options, visit their website to find out who is your assigned Financial Aid Counselor. If adding a class is absolutely essential, an internship or independent study class may be added for several weeks after the end of the schedule adjustment period. Check the academic calendar on the Registrar’s website for the exact date.
I am a newly accepted student. When will I meet with an advisor and choose my classes?
All new students will attend New Student Orientation prior to the semester you plan to enroll. On this day, you will meet with your Academic Advisor and register for classes. New Student Orientation is mandatory and you have the choice of which date to attend. Learn more by visiting their website.
I need an exception for dropping a course after the deadline. Where do I go?
In rare cases, a student may be allowed an exception to drop a course after the published deadline. To apply for this type of exception, complete the online form on the website of the Office of Enrollment Management Division. Look for Exception to Enrollment Policy for complete instructions. Be sure to follow through as quickly as possible because there are time limits for such exceptions.
How do I know what day/time I can register?
Students register based on the number of credits they have earned. Prior to Advanced Registration, students will receive an email with a link to a chart showing which day they can register based on their earned credits. Students are not eligible to register prior to this day/time, and must have already met with their Academic Advisor to receive their Advising Clearance.
Pre-Professional Advising
Why can’t my major be Pre- _____________?
The Pre-Professional curriculum at UMBC is a set of specific coursework designed to guide you toward meeting the entry requirements of the particular type of professional school you wish you attend. Students may choose to follow a Pre-Professional curriculum in addition to their academic major but pre-professional courses cannot stand alone as their major. Students who wish to receive a bachelor’s degree from UMBC need to complete an academic field major such as Biology, History, or Chemistry.
I am a Pre-Physical Therapy student and need to complete volunteer hours. Where can I do this and does UMBC help?
Our office has trained advisors who can help students interested in not only Physical Therapy, but Nursing, Pharmacy, Physician Assistant, Dental Hygiene & Occupational Therapy reach their goals of applying to professional school. Please see Allied Health Website for more information on contacting an advisor in these areas.
Where can I get more information about Pre-law advising?
Does this advising office work with Pre-Med/Pre-Dental students?
Students who are interested in going to Medical, Dental, Podiatry, Veterinary, or Optometry school are advised by the Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental Advising Office. Click here for more information.
Are there clubs or organizations for Pre-Professional students on campus?
For a comprehensive list of all student clubs and organizations, browse the groups in myUMBC here. You can also see information about individual Pre-Professional student organizations on our Allied Health Website.
Do I have to have a major in addition to my Pre-Professional program?
Students who are pursuing Pre-Professional programs that require you to graduate first from UMBC (such as Physical Therapy) must pursue an academic major in addition to their professional program. For those programs that do not require a degree, academically strong students may be admitted directly into that program prior to completing their bachelor’s degree at UMBC. For more information, our Allied Health website.
Majors at UMBC
How do I declare my major?
To declare your major (or to change your major), you must fill out a Declaration of Major form, available in the Office for Academic & Pre-Professional Advising, the Registrar’s Office, or online here. Completed forms should be submitted via help ticket. As indicated on the form, a few majors will require an advisor signature from your new major department.
How do I indicate that I am Pre-________ on the Declaration of Major form?
How do I declare a double major?
You may list multiple majors/minors/certificates on the Declaration of Major form by entering them in separate columns. The major you list first will become your Primary Major, the program that you will be earning your degree in and will be listed on your diploma. Completion of the second major will be entered on your official transcript.
Academic Advisors
If I am undecided about my major, what advisor should I contact for advising?
All undecided and exploratory students will be advised in our office. To learn who your advisor is, contact our front office at 410-455-2729.
If I have declared a major, how can I find out who my advisor is?
Start by navigating to your myUMBC account and looking under the topic Advising and Student Support. Then click on the blue link My Advisors. You will find either the name of your advisor or a link to a table showing the Advising Coordinators for all departments. In addition, some departments have provided more detailed information about how advisors are assigned.
I want to meet with a general advisor because my major advisor is not helpful or is recommending I see a professional advisor. How can I do that?
The Office for Academic & Pre-Professional Advising primarily advises students who are undecided/exploratory or who are pursuing professional school programs as well as certain students experiencing academic challenges. However, we can answer general requirements and other related questions from all students. Students who do have declared majors must receive their advising clearance for registration from their academic major advisor. Students who are interested in changing majors may make an appointment to be advised in our office. When appropriate, completing an updated Declaration of Major form may become part of that advising session.
Can I meet with an advisor before I enroll at UMBC?
Academic Advisors can answer some general questions prior to your enrollment, but you will not be able to receive in-depth individual advising or register for classes without attending New Student Orientation. During this day you will meet one-on-one with your Academic Advisor and register for classes.
Can an advisor get me into a class that is closed or that requires permission?
Academic Advisors can make recommendations about specific classes, but only the specific instructor of a course (or their designee) can authorize permission if the class is closed or requires special permission.
Can I speak to an advisor about what classes will fulfill requirements for my Pre-Professional track?
Absolutely! If you have a declared major, we recommend that you meet with that advisor prior to your Pre-Professional advising so that you understand how your major requirements will compare to your professional school requirements.
Can I meet with a different advisor than my assigned one?
This depends on your major. If you have a declared major, you should contact the Advising Coordinator for that department to learn how to switch advisors by visiting Departmental Advising List. For students assigned to the Office for Academic & Pre-Professiional Advising, you are able in most cases to choose a different advisor when you make your advising appointment. It is important to note that many times students pursuing Pre-Professional programs are assigned an advisor based on the advisor’s area of expertise and it is recommended that you meet with that advisor.
General Education
How can my 201-level language proficiency be evaluated?
The Modern Languages, Linguistics & Intercultural Communication department works with students to determine their 201 language proficiency. Their office is in Fine Arts (FA) 463. Forms and policies can be found online. For International Students, click here. For questions about proficiency and high school language levels, click here.
Where can I find a list of GEP courses?
The most up-to-date source for courses with general education designations is the Undergraduate Catalog. You can also search courses by GEP requirement in the Class Search in myUMBC:
Excess Credits
How can I enroll in more than the maximum amount of credits?
The maximum amount of credits you can register for during the fall/spring semester is 19.5. During the winter it is 4.5 and the summer is 16 (a maximum of 8 credits in each of the two summer terms). Click here to submit an excess credits form.
When should I turn in my request to enroll in excess credits?
You should request permission for excess credits as soon as your plans call for a course overload. You may submit a form even before Advance Registration begins for the upcoming term. Your request must be for a specified set of courses and not blanket permission to take lots of credits as the mood strikes. Excess Credit forms must be turned in 24 hours before the posted add/drop deadline.
I was denied my request for excess credits. Who can I talk to?
The decision on your excess credits request will be communicated to you in an e-mail from this office. If you have follow-up questions or concerns, simply reply to that e-mail and you will be contacting the person who knows your case.