The Major Event

Save the date: October 6th & 8th, 2025 

Whether you’ve already committed to a major or are still exploring options, this event is for YOU! At the Major Event, we gather UMBC alumni, academic departments, and campus representatives together during one awesome week to help students gain greater confidence in their academic pathway! Students at all academic levels are welcome to attend any or all of our unique programs.

Established in 2018, The Major Event aims to support UMBC’s Strategic Plan for Advancing Excellence:

  • Increase degree completion and shorten students’ time to degree by fostering student confidence in future or current choice of academic major (and/or) minor.
  • Systematically improve the quality and consistency of academic advising by encouraging and promoting relationships between academic department representatives and students interested in their majors.
  • Leverage the strength of UMBC’s compositional diversity by connecting students with UMBC alumni to better understand the impact of current academic pursuits on post-graduation career pathways.
  • Build a campus culture that creates, supports, and expects applied learning experiences by helping students connect with departments and offices providing internship, research, study abroad, and other co-curricular opportunities.