OAPA Sponsored Initiatives & Collaborations

Below is a list of programming and initiatives sponsored by the Office for Academic and Pre-Professional Advising

In an effort to bolster the overall academic success of students registered in UNIV 102, academic advisors in the Office for Academic & Pre-Professional Advising offer guidance to students (and instructors) throughout the semester.

The Golden Ticket Program is a pre-orientation advising experience for incoming first-generation students and families. Through participation in this initiative, incoming first-generation students will engage in a pre-orientation advising appointment to discuss course options for their first semester, receive instruction on using UMBC advising and registration technologies, and identify academic and campus support resources.

Academic Empowerment Series

This 4-part workshop series is a collaborative initiative between the Office for Academic & Pre-Professional Advising and the Academic Success Center that:

  • Support students on academic warning, probation, and suspension reinstatement in setting strategic goals for enhancing their academic performance.
  • Support students with increasing their proficiency in time management.
  • Further students’ knowledge of UMBC’s academic policies to aid in informed decision-making.
  • Further students’ knowledge of campus and academic resources to support student development and success.

The titles and descriptions of each session are listed below:

Description: Academic success is not about perfection but gaining skills to help you grow as a student. You are not alone if you have found imperfections while at UMBC. At this session, we will discuss the tools and resources available at UMBC to help you reclaim your success if utilized.

Learning objectives

Through participation in this session, students will:

  • Gain knowledge of the application of academic policies to guide their decision-making.
  • Knowledge of campus and academic resources to support their development and success.
  • Develop an understanding of UMBC’s academic standing criteria for Good Academic Standing, Academic Probation, Academic Suspension, Reinstatement, and Academic Dismissal.
  • Establish an understanding of SMART goal setting.

Description: As a college student, you have multiple demands on your time. The key to staying on track is finding effective strategies for managing your time. At this session, we will share proven strategies to help you manage and maximize your time during the semester.

Learning objectives

  • Through participation in this session, students will:
  • Learn strategies to aid in managing their time within a 16-week semester.
  • Examine their current time management practices and identify areas for improvement.
  • Understand the resources available to assist in time management on campus and beyond.


Description: Do you feel that you have gotten off track? An essential first step to reclaiming your path and direction is maintaining a relationship with your advisor, academic advocate, and professors who help you accomplish your goals. At this session, we will discuss how to converse with your advisors and Advocates about overcoming challenges, success strategies, course scheduling, academic resources, and extracurricular activities.

Learning objectives

Through participation in this session, students will:

  • Learn strategies to initiate and facilitate conversations with their advisors and academic advocates.
  • Understand how to leverage academic advising, advocacy, and student support tools.

Description: You have invested time and effort in this semester. What worked for you? What needed improvement? At this session, we will discuss options to improve your chances of finishing strong if implemented.

Learning objectives

Through participation in this session, students will:

  • Learn how to assess their goal-setting strategies for successful end-of-semester outcomes.
  • Establish an understanding of SMART goal setting.